Friday, February 4, 2022

LOTD - Elegant 001

One of my favorite styled outfits...

Specs >>


LUXE Paris URANUS Jumpsuit (Maitreya)

SYLQ Victorian Mesh Hat (Teal)

IAF Bento Bright Nails (teal) - Maitreya


LUXE Paris URANUS Jumpsuit (Maitreya)


Alienbear Bubble Dreams Jewelry set (teal)


More About Me

Yep, that's me skating at Wheelz back in September 2021. What a blast!

Ok, I know my blog profile is probably not enough about me. So, to keep everyone happy, here's some more >>

Easy-going, kind, & sweet. Easy to talk to, love to laugh, & be spontanteous. Please be sincere & genuine. It will be returned.

Love a good chat about current topics or anything that makes me laugh. Laughter is awesome & works well as foreplay. Try it, you may be surprised.

Love romance & adventure. Enjoy books, movies, & music. 70s & 80s are my thing.

Don't like questions about RL age. Not sure why age is important in SL. It's a fantasy world with ageless avatars. So ask at your own risk!

Here to have a good time, socialize, dance, roller skate, do fun stuff, make friends, shop, style, & take photos sometimes.

Enjoying being me & you being you. Shine for who you are. C'est la vie! Que sera sera!

Let's Get It Started !


Hey! Let's get this party started and today is the day!

Been talking about it for a long time... and finally, DOING it! Yayyyy!

Welcome to my blog! 

All about my life in Second Life, better known as SL. Been logging in world since April 2010. However, my oldest account dates back to March 2008 and is gone with the SL wind. 

If you haven't tried it, try it here >>

I recommend using the Firestorm viewer rather than the SL viewer. You will have far more options available and more ease of use.

Getting started in SL will likely cause some frustration; however, there are many people who are willing to help. When you log in world the first time, you should be directed through a tutorial and location where all new residents arrive. There will be peeps to help, signs to show you what to do, and other newbies just like you. Don't get angry or be scared. We all remember our first hours and days in SL.

If you need help getting started and not getting much from anyone else, please instant message (IM) me in world. If I am logged in, I will spend some time with you helping you navigate your way from being a newb to newbish.

Hey, it's all good and a lot of fun. Be careful as it can be addicting.

Stick around to make friends, try some dances, do some shopping, and explore. 

It's Friday and I am headed back to parrrrrtayyyyyyyyy! Mwahs!